A few Original Poems for the Triduum ( Holy Week)
Happy Easter

Maundy Thursday
A few years of companionship,
exhortations, admonishments—and now
his time is at end,
his words carefully chosen.
I sit so close I feel his breath,
I knew something was up
when he gazed deeply into me
and with slow, deep sighs
shared his hopes,
not for himself—his time was finished.
But for me—as if he had already gone.
We sit together through his last hours
not knowing what words to say or what to do
I watch and wait, and I pray for a sign
just a tiny miracle.
It came with his sleep, his final one.
You say “why the fuss over a little thing–
a few words of goodbye”.
He would not agree.
And neither will I when I discover
saying my last goodbye is the start
of the greatest miracle of all.
Last words are given first place.
A mother’s wishes are fixed
in the heart.
and a fathers’ parting wisdom
will find its mark.
And a friends “New Command”
will not be forgotten.

Good Friday
I try for years during this spring- time
to identify with you.
Each year I fail –a little closer,
for I am older now
and have more wounds to show —
most of my own fault.
not like you, wounded every year by mine.
I see it more clearly this time.
I feel it more deeply this year.
The ridicule, the abandonment. the crushed hopes
all coming closer to me each year.
Yet, never abandoning that one hope
underneath all others -the hope in the one
who made you.
I keep trying each year to understand
the pain-especially the physical pain
but like your friends
I turn away in fear that it may touch me.
They say you saw it all coming. Did you?
Why did you keep on going?
Your face they said was as hard as flint–
not to be assuaged from your intent.
Who would have blamed you
for changing tactics, circling around
coming at things a different way?
Surely not Judas, nor probably I.
The Harrowing of Hell
Above the ground all is silent
the earth stops its spinning
Dirt upon dirt slaps the wood coffin
And we feel more than one life is over
Sad, dreaming of yesterday so full of hope
It all ends in a moment, leaving unfinished
The deeds one was born to do.
While below ground tears drop and sighs exhale
Below the crust all hell breaks loose
As one as good as dead ransacks the land of the forelorn
Releasing the innocent but ignorant from their chains,
Proclaiming liberty and hope to those who had none.
The tormentors stood speechless in terror
As the one who made them now unmade them
Ending eons of evil upon these children of light
And now those putrid things can only stand and watch
As their captives are led by their captain from their rancid realm
March 28, 2024 7:28 pm
Thanks, Bob. Have a great weekend!